即便被世界拋棄,我們仍曾成就不凡—Epik High《We've done something wonderful》

Epik High 在今年 10 月 23 發行了正規 9 輯《We've done something wonderful》。老實說,我對於 Epik High 的認識一直都蠻粗淺的,聽過幾張專輯,喜歡他們的作曲,僅僅如此。因為卡到期中考,今天只想簡單提一下專輯中的兩首歌,等考試結束後再來完整評論這張專輯。

在朋友的介紹下,聽了 WDSW 的主打曲〈Home is far away(空車)〉這首和吳赫合作的曲子,以抒情的曲風襯托出吳赫有些慵懶、沙啞的嗓音,再加上EH 寫的RAP,道出城市人的寂寞與無助,在空車上、路邊攤、天橋上、MV 裡的場景都取得很恰當,以模糊的城市、車流燈光,描繪都市人的迷茫,在歌曲結尾,Tablo 與 Mithra Jin 兩人仿若自言自語般重複說著:「내가 해야 할 일 벌어야 할 돈 말고도 뭐가 있었는데(除了賺錢以外,應該還有更重要的事情要做)」

再來是全專輯中,最令人動容的一首——< LOST ONE(開花)>。這首歌可以說是 Tablo 寫給女兒 Haru 的歌,也能說是他自 2010 年學歷門之後一路走來的心境。MV 在 Youtube 上架後,Tablo 也親自為整首歌做英文翻譯。在這邊先附上 Tablo 翻譯的英文歌詞(Rap part):

My child, when you follow
Look carefully at the path I tread
One day, I won’t be here to walk by your side
I leave my footsteps here for you
Steer clear of them
Follow those who chose the easy path
For they may have the answer
The path I chose is bent like a question mark
And only gives birth to countless problems
I hope the dream
You dreamed because of me
Won't turn out to be a nightmare when you wake up
Now that I’ve run to the very end
I see that there’s not a thing that resembles the eternity, healing and answers I was looking for
I ran down this path for my family, only to have it take my father’s life
It seems that the gunshot signaling the start
Was intended for my back
Listen well
Even if the whole world welcomes you
That same world will abandon you, so you gotta let go
Before it’s too late
Cuz I’ve been there before
This path may dazzle your eyes
But don’t be fooled by the diamonds and gold
Don’t get drunk on applause
Sometimes they will use compliments as shackles
Even when they roll out the red carpet for you, don’t forget
That it has turned red from soaking up your blood and sweat
I hope the dream
You dreamed because of me
Won't turn out to be a nightmare when you wake up
Now that I’ve run to the very end
I’ve learned that the fame and the money don’t mean a thing
I lost one too many things
Whatever you wish to become, I’ll applaud you
I’ll applaud you
Just don’t end up like me

稍微考古一下 Tablo,就可以知道這首歌極大部分是在談「學歷門」帶給他的傷害。在某個時期,韓國民眾對於那些擁有「高學歷」的明星感到質疑,於是開始對明星背景進行地毯式的搜索,當時擁有史丹佛大學英國文學學士及創意寫作碩士學歷的 Tablo,也成為了民眾的攻擊對象之一。當時的 Tablo 事業一度陷入低潮,失去了經濟來源,父親也因輿論壓力而過世,即便最後還給了 Tablo 公道,仍舊無法挽回他失去的家人。

因此當我聽到他唱 "I ran down this path for my family, only to have it take my father’s life.It seems that the gunshot signaling the start was intended for my back(我為此拋棄了家人,甚至失去了父親。乍聽是出發前的槍聲,卻沒想到槍口正抵著我的背)" 真的非常難過,同時也真的不得不佩服 Tablo 的才華。

在歌曲接近尾聲,當 Tablo 說了那句 "Icarus lives" 時,我心裡就想,2017 最值得買的專輯就在這裡了!而這句更是奠定了 Tablo 在我心裡「嘻哈詩人之神」的地位了(是神,真的,沒有人的 Rap 可以超過他了,真的要轉腦粉了)

Icarus 的神話故事大家能夠自行 Google,Tablo 用這樣的典故作為歌曲結尾,不只貼切,是太貼切了!

我相信 Epik High今年的一些唱片賞應該能拿到很好的成績,我深信著。

